2. Make it personal. Text messages often seem a little unfriendly. This will help to establish a stronger bond between you. You can use her name in the text message. Girls love to see their names appear in messages. It's more intimate and it gives them a sense of connection. Alternatively, you could use the special nickname you've named her to make it appear as if you are sharing an inside joke. Use the terms "us" as well as "we" when you send messages. This creates a "me and you against the world" vibe that girls are drawn to.
3. Don't forget to pay her a nice compliment. You could tell her, "Wow! I love your hair today. It's beautiful!" It's a simple thing to do. Girls love being appreciated. They feel valued and appreciated. If you are able to include some positive comments in your messages, go for it. Choose a classic but powerful compliment like "I cannot help thinking about you in that black and blue dress" or something more distinctive such as "you have a weird sense of humor, but I really like it." Do not just use a compliment to make her happy. The scent of fakes is easily detected by women. Take a look at this true love messages for examples.

4. Be secretive. While it's okay to be mysterious in your text messages, you want to make her to feel as if she's chasing you and not the opposite. Try to be infrequently evasive or unassuming, but not so much that she becomes suspicious about your actions. If she asks you about your day in a particular instance, you shouldn't send an elaborate reply that retells every boring details (see the first step). You might try something like "It's pretty bizarre actually." People never cease to be awestruck as do I." You'll likely be intrigued and would like to know more about it in the next message. If she wants to know what you're planning for this weekend, don't give too much information (unless you've got truly interesting plans). It's not going to interest her to inform her that you'll be staying home on weekend to work on papers. Tell her that you're going out to kill the dragon, or do something else outlandish. It doesn't have to be accurate, but it ought to be intriguing.
5.Tease her a little. You can flirt with your girlfriend by teasing her. You can make fun of your girlfriend without being offensive by calling her a cute nickname. For instance, "freckles", and "little Miss Perfect" are great examples. You can inquire about something she's said or done the last time you spent time together. For instance, you could say that she's having a Coke. However, don't pour it out of your mouth in the same manner you did the last time. This is called call-back humor. It brings attention to times when you had fun and makes her feel good about your relationship. Texting relationships will end quickly when you're rude or off-putting.
6 Be suggestive. It's impossible to have any kind of relationship with a female texter without flirty, naughty suggestions to keep it interesting. You could also ask her what dress she's wearing. It is also possible to use a innocent comment of her, and make it sexually explicit, by deliberately not understanding it. If she says something such as, "I can't believe how it took!" You could respond with "that's what she meant" when she is referring to a movie, or another equally innocuous matter. If you're hesitant about going down the sexual sex avenue, you might casually mention that you just got out of the shower. This puts the ball at her feet, and when she responds in a sexually flirtatious way (like "dang I'd like to know this") you'll be able to tell she's open to it. Check out this most romantic relationship sms for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages short and sweet. Text messages with long text messages can be dull and make you appear eager. It is recommended to keep your messages succinct - not more than two or three paragraphs. It is essential to keep messages short and sweet. The flirting shouldn't include small talk about weather.
2. Send the same number of texts. Every texting relationship should show an equal degree of equality. Nobody should be more active than the other. In fact, sending too many messages can make it appear too enthusiastic and too accessible. You'll appear to be coming in too fast, which could either freak her out or make her lose interest. In the opposite situation, you might seem disinterested, or make her believe that you're messaging multiple girls in one go. If this is the case, she may decide to give you up as a lost cause. So, you must find a balance by sending a roughly equal amount of text messages with the balance tilted slightly toward her, if it's possible. Be aware of who initiates and concluding every text message. It is possible to swap if this is feasible.
3. Be mindful of your grammar and spelling. When you send text messages, you'll want your message to look intelligent and humorous. Teenagers could be able perform this, however, adults over 18 should be more aware of grammar and spelling.
To appear smart, it is not necessary to look up huge terms in the dictionary. Just scan every text before you send it. Be sure that you're not creating any misspellings or typos. It could make a significant difference in the way that your text will be interpreted. A picture of your female wearing a new dress is a good illustration. "wow! "wow!" sounds a much more exciting than the standard "wow!" and "I like ..." is to be a lot more attractive. Make use of emoticons in moderation. Have a look at this love you more than you for more.

4. Don't let your conversation drag on. One of the most crucial abilities to master is how to stop a dying conversation. Do not let your texting session get too long. Sooner or later, you'll run out of things to discuss, and the conversation could get boring and boring. It is important that you stop the conversation before she gets to the point at which she is. She'll always want more. Make sure you use something sweet and flirty to close the conversation, like "gotta get up, babe, we'll talk next week." Do not get too involved with me!" Or "Time to get to bed I'm gonna get my beauty sleep." "See you in your dreams!"
5. Use text flirting only for flirting. Text flirting is best utilized between real-life flirting sessions. Texting is great for certain things, but nothing compares to the spontaneity and excitement that comes from dating in person. Use your text sessions to organize a date or think about your next hangout. Your texts will have an objective and could be something you both love. Be aware that things such as prolonged eye contact, a dazzling smile, and a perfectly-timed stroke of the hand beat an assortment of words on a screen any day.